Future think resources
This page is a collection of resources for thinking about the future
of education, school libraries and more.
It grows. It changes. It promotes innovation.
Contact me if you have suggestions.
of education, school libraries and more.
It grows. It changes. It promotes innovation.
Contact me if you have suggestions.
What / Who I Follow:
ORGANIZATIONS Future Ready Schools Future Ready Librarians Digital Promise - League of Innovative Schools Alliance For Excellent Education Federal Flash ALA - Center for the Future of Libraries Miguel Figueroa leads the center for ALA. He motivates webinars and wide-reaching dialogue on the future of libraries. Read for Later Blog Trend Collection The Horizon Reports - The New Media Consortium MarketPlace The Long Now Foundation Libraries 2.0 2016 Conference
PEDAGOGY Teaching Tolerance - a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center Edutopia Libraries 2.0 international dialogue eSchoolNews EdWeek ASCD THINKERS & DOERS Chris Anderson - TED and TEDxHub Craig Alan Johnson, Educator, Writer, Thinker and Superintendent of the American School of Bombay. Lee Crockett - Global Digital Citizen Foundation Sir Ken Robinson - "Imagination is the source of all human achievement." Jane McGonigal - You are surrounded by potential allies. Ruben Pentadura - Integration of Technology Stewart Brand - the Long Now Foundation Mark Ray - Future Ready Librarians |
M.I.T. - Institute Task Force on the Future of Libraries
Carnegie Mellon - Keith Webster's Blog: Libraries of the Future
Georgia Tech Center for 21st C. Universities - Steve Harmon
Carnegie Mellon - Keith Webster's Blog: Libraries of the Future
Georgia Tech Center for 21st C. Universities - Steve Harmon